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Search results for 'sturm'

About KC

KC BlauK.C. Blau is an American writer of fiction and historical fiction novels on the women of turn-of-the-century Vienna. She first fell in love with Vienna when she studied abroad there as a student.  She has lived in the city for over 15 years. She is a certified German-English translator and conducts her research in the Vienna City Archives, the Austrian National Archives and through books, films and documentaries. She holds a BA from the American University in Washington DC and an MFA from Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. In addition she has completed post graduate studies at the University of Vienna and dabbled a bit in Chinese studies at the Beijing Language and Cultural University in China.

Besides writing, she loves exploring people and places, running (at minimum speed), reading, hiking, and questioning.

Favorite places not in Vienna: Sitting on the back of Lincoln Memorial watching the planes over Arlington Cemetery, the Shades in Level Green, Mt. Washington at night, in NC after a summer rain, Washington Cathedral, under the stars at Delicate Arch, in Salzburg on Stieglkeller terrace at dusk, beside a window on a train during the day heading anywhere with pen in hand…

Favorite places in Vienna: Minoriten Church, Maria am Gestade, Central Cemetery in the evening on Nov 1 (All Saint’s Day), Graben at Christmas time when the scents of pine needles, roasted chestnuts and Glühwein fill the air, Cafe Central for lunch, Bräunerhof on a lazy Sunday afternoon, green Prater for a run, Weinhof Zimmermann during Sturmzeit, ice cream Greissler, sitting on the heated bench of any old tram in winter…

I have been here before…
You have been mine before,– …
Has this been thus before?…
From Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s poem SUDDEN LIGHT (1828 – 1882)
