“Oh, well, what’s a royal ball? I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and boring, and completely… completely wonderful.”
– Cinderella (film, 1950)
You’re yearning, burning for some Somebody to tell you
That life ain’t passing you by
So get your butt off the couch (or computer chair), buy your ticket, get someone fun to join you and put your dancing shoes on rock (or waltz) and live a little.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Styria Ball/ Steierball/
Who/What? The Ball of the Austrian Federal State of Styria

Steirerball Poster
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: festive traditional Austrian attire (Tracht: Dirndl, Steyr Suit) or formal evening wear
Music: traditional Austrian, brass band, waltz, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 75€ (students 40€) / ticket
At the door: 85 €
website: http://www.steirerball.com/
Un Ballo in Maschera
Who/What? Lions Club – Masked Ball
Where? Palais Auersperg, Auerspergstrasse 1, 1080 Vienna
When? entrance: 7 pm, Dinner begin: 8 Ball begin: 9:30 pm
Attire: tux or ball gown, historical costume – must wear a mask until midnight!
Ticket price: 195 € minimum donation for ticket per person adult, 26 and under 120 € — all inclusive – includes table seating, Aperitif, 4-course dinner, drinks including champagne, Midnight food, coffee, snacks, entertainment.
Ball ticket without dinner – minimum donation: 90 €
website: http://www.lions-arte.at
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kaffeesiederball Vienna Palace
Boogie Ball/ 7th City Dancing
Who/What? Rock-n-Roll Boogie Dancing
Where? Stadion Center Vienna, U2 subway station Stadion (directly by entrance to Stadion center)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 2 am
Attire: dancing without tux or ball gown – modern, well-dressed and ready to move in Boogie outfit
music: standard, Latin, boogie, twist, mambo
Ticket price: 33€ ticket plus 5 € per person for seating, includes 3 hrs free parking.
website: http://www.city-dancing.at/ballabend.html
Lower Austrian Farmer Union Ball/ Niderösterreichische Bauernballbund
Who? 72. Annual Lower Austria Farmer Union Ball
What? Ticket sales support over 300 students from agriculture and forestry fields
Where? Vienna Austria Center (https://www.acv.at/)
When? entrance: 7 pm, begin: 8 pm, end: ? am
Attire: festive traditional Austrian attire (Tracht: Dirndl, Steyr Suit) or formal evening wear
Music: classical, disco, traditional Austrian, brass band
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 35€ (students 20€) / ticket
At the door: 40 €
website: http://www.akademikergruppe.at/bauernbundball/karten/
Ball of the Vienna University of Economics and Business / Wirtschaftsuniversität Ball
Who/What? The Ball of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo, black suit with bow tie or class A uniform
Music: waltz and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 95€ (students 30€) / ticket
At the door: 110 €
website: hWU Ball
Ball of the Senses / Ball der Sinne
Who/What? Ball der Sinne
Where? Baroque Castle Miller-Aichholz, Linzerstrasse 429, 1140 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm
Attire: black & white, classic or modern
Music: Disco with DJ Dominic
Ticket price: 39€ (with discount 24 €)
website: http://www.balldersinne.at/
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Confectioner’s Ball/ Zucker-Bäcker Ball/
Who/What? 114th Confectioner’s Ball
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo or uniform
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, Latino, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 80€ (students 40€) / ticket
At the door: 85 €
website: http://www.zuckerbaeckerball.com/
For 12 € a limited amount of “Cake Guarantees” (Tortengarantie) can be purchased in advance only to ensure that you will leave the ball with a cake from one of the confectioners when you buy a raffle ticket and did not manage to win a cake. But the amount is limited and usually sold out before Christmas. If you missed it this year, mark your calendars for next.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Flower Ball of the Vienna City Gardens/ Blumenball der Wiener Stadtgärten
Who/What? 93rd Flower Ball of the Vienna City Gardens
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; dark suit
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, Latino, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 80€ (students 33€) / ticket
At the door: 80 €
website: http://www.ballkalender.com/ballkalender/ballkalender-ballinfo.php3?ilang=d&iballid=6
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Ball of the Viennese Pharmacists / Pharmacie Ball
Who/What? 73. Ball of the Vienna Pharmacists
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo or black suit with bow tie (no tie)
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price:advanced: ? € (students ? €) / ticket; at the door: ? € (students ? €) / ticket
website: http://www.pharmacieball.at/
Croatian Ball / Wiener Kroatenball / Hrvatski Bal
Who/What? 68th Ball of the Croatians in Vienna (from the Austrian Croatian Society)
Where? Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 6 – 8, 1130 Vienna (http://www.austria-trend.at/Parkhotel-Schoenbrunn/en/history.asp)
When? entrance: 7.30 pm, begin: 8:30 pm
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: Croatian music, waltz
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 40 € (25 € / student), at the door: 60 € / 40 € (student)
website: http://www.hrvatskibal.at/index.php?id=115
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Vienna Philharmonic Ball / Wiener Philharmoniker Ball

Vienna Philharmonic Ball Poster
Who/What? 74th Ball of Vienna Philharmonic
Where? Musikverein Building, Bösendorferstraße 12, 1010 Vienna (http://www.musikverein.at/)
When? entrance: 9 pm, begin: 10 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie or uniform
Music: ball orchestra, jazz, waltz, modern, and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 170 € (students 60€) / ticket
At the door: ? €
website: Vienna Philharmoniker Ball
Most expensive box price (for 8 people) 12,500 € (at 1562.50 € (or 3.72 € per minute) per person I would be afraid to leave for fear I wouldn’t be getting my money’s worth)
Friday, January 23, 2015
Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Ball / BoKu Ball (Bodenkultur Ball)
Who/What? Vienna University of Technology Ball
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo or black suit with bow tie (no tie)
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price:advanced: 60 € (students 25 €) / ticket; at the door: 70 € (students 30 €) / ticket
website: http://www.bokuball.atexpected guests: 3700
Mechatronics, Automation and Robotics Ball / Ball der Mechatronik

Mechatronik Ball Vienna
Who/What? Ball of the Mechatronics, Automation and Robotics
Where? Grand Hotel, Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna (http://www.grandhotelwien.at/?)
When? entrance: 7 pm, begin: 8 pm
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, orchestra, string quartet, piano, live bands
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 80 € (includes seat at table), 50€ (reduced ticket w/o table), 20€ student, 30 € student date / ticket
website: http://www.f-ar.at/journal/veranstaltungen/ball-der-mechatronik/ball-der-mechatronik-2014/
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Imperial Palace Ball of the Viennese Businesses / Hofburg-Ball der Wiener Wirtschaft
Who/What? Imperial Palace Ball of Vienna Economy
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, Latino, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 85€ (students 40€) / ticket
At the door: ? €
website: http://www.hofburg-ball.at/?sprache=de&menu=programm
Slavic Ball / Heiliger Sava Ball / Светосавски бал
Who/What? Ball of the Slavs in Vienna (from the Austrian Serbian Society)
Where? Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 6 – 8, 1130 Vienna (http://www.austria-trend.at/Parkhotel-Schoenbrunn/en/history.asp)
When? entrance: 7.30 pm, begin: 8 pm
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: slavic music, waltz
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 60-80 € (includes reserved seat), 25€ (reduced ticket w/o seat)
Monday, January 26, 2015
Hunters Ball/ Jägerball des Grünen Kreuz
Who/What? 93rd Annual Ball of the Austrian Hunters of the Green Cross
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm
Attire: festive traditional Austrian attire (Tracht: Dirndl, festive hunting attire, uniform)
Music: traditional Austrian, brass band, waltz, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: ? € (students ? €) / ticket
website: http://www.verein-grueneskreuz.at/Reservierungen.82.0.html#c734
5200 people expected – tickets usually sell out!
Thursday, January 29, 2014
Vienna University of Technology Ball / Ball der Technischen Universität Wien
Who/What? Vienna University of Technology Ball
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8:30 pm, begin: 9:30 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo or black suit with bow tie (no tie)
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price: 80 € (students 30 €) / ticket
website: http://www.tu-ball.at/en/karten/
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Medical Doctor’s Ball / Wiener Ärzte Ball
Who/What? 65th Annual Ball of the Vienna Medical Doctors
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9:30 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, orchestra, jazz, live bands, Italian, Austrian
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 110 € (students 45 €) / ticket
website: http://www.aerzteball.at/english.htm
Ball of the Weightlifters / Ball der Gewichtheber
Who/What? Ball of the Weightlifters
Where? Schutzhaus “Zukunft auf der Schmelz” , 1150 Vienna
When? entrance: 5 pm, begin: 6 pm
Attire: ? (who’s going to argue no matter what they wear?)
Music: ? (again, I’d say, they get to hear what they want)
Ticket price: 12 €
website: http://www.argos-hermann.at/ball.html

Raffle Goodies at Kaffeesiederball
Friday, February 6, 2015
Who/What? 58th Annual Ball of the Vienna Coffeebrewers
Motto: A Night in Venice
Ticket sales support cultural activities offered in Vienna’s coffeehouses
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 7:30 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, orchestra, jazz, live bands, Italian, Austrian – highlight – Bad Powells in the Dachfoyer!
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 125€ (students 55 €) / ticket
website: Kaffeesiederball Website
amount of guests expected: a whopping 6000!
Saturday, February 7, 2015
IAEA Staff Association Ball / International Atomic Energy Association Ball
Who/What? 58th International Atomic Energy Association Ball
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 7pm
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, Austrian, disco and more
Ticket price: SOLD OUT
website: http://stylearts.eu/iaea/
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Vienna Opera Ball/ Der Wiener Opernball
Who/What? 73. Ball of the Vienna Pharmacists
Where? Vienna State Opera House, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8:30 pm, begin: 10 pm, end: 5 am
Red Carpet entrance
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: coat and tails
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price: (range from basic for 250 € – 18,500 € for stage boxes) SOLD OUT (also tickets to the rehearsal are SOLD OUT)
website: http://www.wiener-staatsoper.at/Content.Node/home/opernball/Allgemein.en.php
Legend has it that the ball dates back to the Vienna Congress (1814 – 1815). The emperor finally allowed the ball to take place in the Court Opera in 1877 but forbade dancing. Viennese blood managed to abide by the prohibition until midnight — then their dancing feet couldn’t stand it anymore and they danced. Here a quote from the Opera House website which provides a brief history of the event: In 1877, the Emperor finally gave his consent to a “soiree” in his opera house. However, dancing was not officially allowed at this celebration on the night of the 11th to 12th of December. However, the “Vienna Tourist Journal” stated the following day: “…it was initially quite difficult, but Viennese blood and Viennese courage withstood… after midnight there was the first proper dance in the ballroom of our opera house.”
Rose Ball / Rosenball
Who/What? Ball of the Roses
Motto: Hindu World of Gods
Hostess: Miss Candy
Where? Kursalon Wien
When? entrance: 10 pm, Begin: Midnight
Attire: glamorous costumes or elegant evening wear
Music: national and international DJs
Ticket price:48 €
website: Rosenball
Friday, February 13, 2015 (Friday the 13th)
Bon Bon Ball/ BonBon Ball
Who/What? 66th Annual BonBon Ball
Elect Miss Bon Bon 2015 – Vienna’s sweetest darling
Where? Wiener Konzerthaus
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm
Attire: full length ball gown, tuxedo, tailcoat or black suit
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 90 € (students 44€) / ticket
website: http://www.bonbonball.at/programm/
Vienna Police Ball / Wiener Polizeiball
Who/What? Vienna Police Ball
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; dark suit, uniform
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 45 € (students and uniformed personnel 35 €) / ticket
Estate Ball / Immobilienball
Who/What? 10th Ball of the Vienna Real Estate Agencies
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna (http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, Latino, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 100€ (students 45€) / ticket, At the door: 100 €
website: http://www.immobilienball.at/
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Druggist Ball / Drogistenball
Who/What? 69th Vienna Druggist Ball (from the Austrian Druggist Union)
Where? Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 6 – 8, 1130 Vienna (http://www.austria-trend.at/Parkhotel-Schoenbrunn/en/history.asp)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: orchestra music, waltz
Ticket price: 45 €
website: http://www.drogistenverband.at/faktuell.htm
Vienna Polish Spring Ball / Polnischer Frühlingsball
Who/What? 13. Polish Spring Ball (sponsored by the Polish-Austrian Society)
Where? Ferstel Palace, Freyung 2, 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; dark suit, uniform
Music: waltz, polish music, disco and more
Ticket price: ?
website: http://www.taktkultur.at/de/ball.html
Johann Strauss Ball / Johann Strauss Ball
Who/What? Johann Strauss Ball
Where? Vienna Kursalon (Kursalon Vienna)
When? entrance: 6 pm (dinner guests), 7:30 pm (guest without dinner), 9 pm ball opening
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo with bow tie
Music: orchestra music, waltz
Ticket price: 137 € per person includes 3 course meal in Strauss Hall
website: http://www.soundofvienna.at/sound/48.0.html?&L=2
Monday, February 16, 2015 Carnival Monday “Rosenmontag”
Rudolfina Redoute Masked Ball / Rudolfina Redoute
Who/What? Rudolfina Redoute Ball in the spirit of Fledermaus
All women, whether they are accompanied or not, are obliged to wear a mask. “Redoute” means “masked ball” and only ladies who wear a mask can invite a gentleman to dance. After the de-masking at midnight, a Quadrille is danced and then men and women can invite one another to dance.
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9:30 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo with bow tie (no tie)
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price:advanced: 85 € (students 35 €) / ticket
website: Rudolfina Redoute
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Elmayer Dancing School Ball / Elmayer-Kränzchen
Who/What? Ball of the Elmayer Dance School
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 5 pm, begin: 6 pm, end: midnight
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo with bow tie (no tie), uniform
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price:advanced: 70 € (students 30 €) / ticket; at the door: +15 € (students +15 €) / ticket
website: http://elmayer.at/baelle/elmayer-kraenzchen/
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Vienna Techno Ball / Wiener Techno Ball
Who/What? 6th Annual Vienna Techno Ball “Walzer Meets Beets”
Where? Kursalon Hübner
When? begin: 9 pm
Attire: anything you’d wear at a ball from formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown, tailcoat, tuxedo, black suit with bow tie or class to traditional Austrian, to uniforms to fantasy costumes to a mix of all of the above is welcome
Music: techno, electronic
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 17€ (students 14.50€) / ticket
At the door: 20 €
website: http://www.technoball.at/
Watch the cool video on their website
Friday, March 6, 2015
Vienna Fire Department Ball / Wiener Berufsfeuerwehrball

Fire Department Ball in Rathaus in Vienna
Who/What? 65. Ball of the Vienna Professional Firemen
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; dark suit, uniform
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Ticket price: 50 €
website: http://www.firefighter.at/site/sportkultur/article/938.html
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Dancer against Cancer Spring Ball /
Who/What? 9th Annual Dancer Against Cancer
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 7:30 pm, begin: 8:30 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo or black suit with bow tie (no tie)
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price:advanced: 59 € (students 39 €, school age: 22 €)
website: http://www.danceragainstcancer.com/
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Me and my friend at the Lifeball 2014
Vienna Life Ball/ Life Ball
Who/What? 23rd Annual Life Ball – Fighting AIDs and celebrating Life
One of the world’s biggest AIDS charity events and perhaps Vienna’s craziest party with internationally famous guests flying into the city to attend. Kick off is the opening ceremony in front of the Vienna City Hall with a colorful red-carpet entrance of celebreties where over 500 international media crews and 60 TV teams are present to capture the event.
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 8 pm, begin: 9 pm, end: 5 am
Attire: see pix from previous years — too hard to explain
Music: waltz, jazz, and everything
Ticket price: Registration for tickets takes place from March 21 – April 2, 2014 with a drawing for randomized opportunity to puchase tickets
website: http://www.lifeball.org/?lang=en

Some charmingly mischievous Lifeball Guests
Guests expected: 3,780
Friday, June 19, 2015
Concordia Ball / Pressclub Concordia Ball
Who/What? Ball of the Concordia Pressclub
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: 9 pm, begin: 10 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; tuxedo, tails, dinner jacket or military uniform
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 95€ (students 40 €) / ticket
website: http://www.concordiaball.at
Friday, June 26, 2015
Fête Impériale Summer Ball
Who/What? Fête Impériale Summer Ball
Where? Vienna Spanish Riding School, Michaelerplatz 1, 1010 Vienna (http://www.srs.at/en/)
When? entrance: 8:15 pm, begin: 9:45 pm, end: 4 am
Attire: formal evening wear: floor-length evening gown; tuxedo, tails, dinner jacket or military uniform
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Ticket price: Advanced sales: 120 – 180 € (students 50 €) / ticket (VIP Loge for 12 people 7,200 €)
website: http://www.fete-imperiale.at/
Friday, September 25, 2015
Almdudler Austrian Traditional Clothing Pair Ball / Almdudler Trachtenpärchen Ball
Who/What? Almdudler Ball
Where? Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), 1010 Vienna
When? entrance: Details to be announced
Attire: girls in Dirndls and guys in Lederhosen (see website for examples – the left side which shows things like super geek and Jesus and super heroes are the no-goes category in case you don’t speak German and don’t understand “So nicht / So not” https://www2.almdudler.com/#/at/trachtenpaerchenball/dresscode
Music: waltz, jazz, orchestra, disco and more
Tickets: Advanced sales: beginning in April
website: https://www2.almdudler.com/#/at/trachtenpaerchenball/tickets
Friday, November 20, 2015- New Year’s Eve
Vienna Red Cross Ball
Who/What? Vienna Red Cross Ball
Where? Hofburg Palace, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna(http://www.hofburg.com/)
When? entrance: 7 pm, begin:
Attire: ladies: long evening gown, men: tail coat, tuxedo with bow tie (no tie) or uniform
Music: waltz, brass band, jazz, salsa, disco and more
Ticket price: ? € (entrance)
website: http://www.wienerrotkreuzball.at/
If you missed my post about the balls – check it out here: Time to Have a Ball — Vienna, World Capital of Balls. Here I am posting a comprehensive list of the balls in Vienna — not all but most (at least I will try, there are MANY and this is taking me quite a while).
Don’t have a man? Get one here: Taxi Dancer – Rent a Man … to Dance
Good Advice for Balls and Sex: https://www.kcblau.com/balls-and-sex/